
It starts with water


Clean Water Filters

We use bio-sand water filters for a number of reasons

  1. They use natural processes and no chemicals

  2. they are more durable and last longer

  3. We can teach the people in the village how to produce and repair the filters meaning they are Sustainable


We’ve have learned a lot over the years installing water filters as we constantly work to improve what we are doing. When we go into a new village we first present the people with a variety of water filter options. We have discovered that nothing compares to the durability and longevity of the bio-sand filters. Additionally, the simple process of making the filters means we can teach those in the village how to make the filters and eventually this can become a small business for those trained people. It also means that filter work and production continues throughout the year and over time ownership of the project transfers from HOPE Missions to people. We charge each family around 5 USD for a filter, this is done to create ownership of the filter and means the family takes far better care of the device than they would if they received it for free. It cost HOPE Missions around 100 USD to produce a filter. This cost includes the material, fabrication, and transportation of the filter. Additionally, we have begun the process of geo-tagging all of our filters in order to keep better track of them.

Beyond just providing clean water, the filers allow three additional things to happen. First, they give us the opportunity to develop relationships with the people we are serving. This not only builds trust and familiarity but it also is a crucial part of Ethiopian culture. Second, it opens the door for us to do medical work in a village. It is almost impossible to provide medical care as long as someone does not have access to clean water. Third, the relationships developed from the filter work allows us to assess and do further work towards building healthy communities.


per filter



Liters a filter produces



people reached


 Clean Water Facts

Our most vital natural resource is something we may take from granted

Water continues to be a serious problem around the globe, but especially for those living in rural areas, like the ones we serve in Ethiopia. Not only can access to water be limited but the access to clean drinking water is extremely rare. A lack of clean drinking water can not only lead to preventable diseases such as Trachoma (blindness), parasites, and diarrhea, but also death. Every year over 800,000 children under the age of 5 die due to lack of clean drinking water, which amounts to 2,200 child deaths per day. In Ethiopia alone almost 60% of the population does not have access to clean water, a number that drops significantly outside of cities. The good news in regards to these shocking numbers is that prevention and change is possible as long as people are willing to help.