Sponsor a Campaign
Every gift makes a difference. Whether it’s providing a family a water filter or helping support the Kondala School, every dollar counts. HOPE Missions relies on the generosity of others. We are grateful for every person who has given to the transformative work we are called to.
Water Filters
Give the HOPE of life. For just $100 you can provide a family with a bio-sand water filter. The filter will last for 30 years and provide the family with 42 liters of clean water a day. That’s a total of 459,900 liters. But more importantly it means clean water, healthy children, and the first steps towards a changed life.
School Meals
Part of the Kondala School program includes providing the students with two meals a day. We will serve the children Berta for breakfast. Berta is a nutrient rich wheat that contains added vitamins and minerals. For just $12 a student can have Berta everyday for a month.
School Materials
Help make Kondala School not just a wonderful building but a place where students receive an incredible education. Launching and operating school requires not just a building but also uniforms, school supplies, and STEM materials